Riceland Go With The Grain
Go With The Grain
Riceland rice is grown by family farmers in the US, but offers endless opportunities for flavors from around the world. In 2020, during a time when many had to cancel global vacations, Riceland brought the taste of the globe to American kitchens.
Online Video
As many brands experienced in 2020, we were limited to using existing assets to create a campaign that felt new. We used a combination of existing footage/photos and stock and visually tied them together with an illustrated rice grain airplane to represent the “Go with the Grain” campaign.
Paid + Organic Social
Surprise and Delight Experience
As a surprise and delight for those who tagged @RicelandFoods, we sent out gift boxes with packages of rice along with a passport recipe book and passport “stamp” stickers.
Agency: Barkley
CD: Joe DeSalvo
Copywriter: Colleen Coggins